Broadway's Rosalind Brown chats about starring in the new show "Leaving the Blues"
Join Kelli and Anne for their 104th LIVE episode!
They begin this episode by talking about traveling to Dallas for Anne’s concert, The Packers playoff win against Seattle, The LSU Championship win against Clemson and getting all of their shots for Thailand.
Today they have a special call in from Chef Michele Ragussis to talk about her new initiative called Chefs For Disaster Relief where celebrity chefs share free food videos and recipes while providing easy links to donate for disaster relief. Go you facebook or instagram for more details @chefsfordisasterrelief
Their Special Guest today is Rosalind Brown. Rosalind is quite a talent! From Broadway to Television, she has done it all. Hear about her latest exciting project, “Leaving the Blues” which starts previews TONIGHT at The Flea Theater by the award-winning theater company TOSOS (The Other Side Of Silence). Get tickets and more details at
As always, they end with a cocktail from Equality Vodka. This week, in honor of Rosalind, they are serving the Blue Note!