Broadway Star Liz Callaway chats about career, family and her upcoming tour and single, Be A Lion

Join Kelli and Anne for their 174th NEW episode!

They begin this episode by talking about their youngest child, Vivi, graduating from High School and how it's a very emotional time going back and forth from being sad it’s all done but also being excited for her and all that comes next. Then Anne tells about her harrowing encounter with a spider while driving and how she survived (barely! haha). Finally Kelli gets excited about travel opening up including her first trip back, a river cruise charter down the Duoro River in Portugal and Spain starting August 1st. For more info or to join them go to 

Their special guest today is Tony Nominee and Emmy Award Winner Liz Callaway. She is truly a Broadway star! She chats about growing up in a musical family, between her mother who was a singer and a vocal coach and her sister, Ann Hampton Callaway, Liz was shy to let her voice out...but once she did there was no looking back. Hear how Liz landed her first Broadway show as a teen and how it grew quickly from there. From many Broadway shows to seven solo albums, to playing concerts with symphonies all over the world to creating a whole series of shows and albums with her sister Ann, her career has grown and changed in so many wonderful ways. To hear about her upcoming tour dates and to follow her on social media and her YouTube channel, go to 

As always, they end with a cocktail from Equality Vodka. This week they are serving The Songbird!

Anne Steele