Travel, Theater & Live Music Episode w/ Gabe Rizzi & Brent Rivard from Internova Travel Group and Director/Producer Richard Jay Alexander

Join Kelli and Anne for their 178th NEW episode!

They chat about their week in Provincetown for Anne’s show at the Crown & Anchor, how they have turned this into an annual family trip, plus all of the incredible shows, dinners and good times with friends they had that week. They also talk about how they have almost forgotten how to pack for an international trip, even though they have done it for a living for years! 

They are so excited for the show today because it’s all about travel, live music and theater opening up. First they welcome Gabe Rizzi and Brent Rivard, travel experts from Internova Travel Group, to talk about what we can all expect as we all begin traveling again. Gabe Rizzi is President of Internova Travel Group, one of the world’s largest travel services companies with 65,000 travel advisors in 6,000 locations in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, and a presence in more than 80 countries. Brent Rivard is the Chief Marketing Officer and directs all marketing strategies, communications and supplier programs to drive the value of all of Internova’s business units. They talk about the difficulties in the past 18 months in the travel industry and how they have been able to bounce back. Gabe talks about current travel trends and the benefits of using a travel advisor to plan your travel. Brent then talks about their new cutting edge ad campaign, Go Human. Book Human, and the message that working with a travel advisor is so much better than working with a machine to plan your dream vacations. For more info go to www.BookHuman.Travel 

Next they welcome back their former guest, famed Director and Producer Richard Jay Alexander, to talk about live theater and music coming back! They chat about how he has been holding up over the past 18 months and how people have been able to still make art, music and theater online. They talk about live music beginning to come back and how emotional they all feel when again in the presence of music and theater. He also talked about upcoming projects including Barbra’s new album and other live performances that will begin to roll out in the fall. Overall, they are excited to again sit in a theater and support the arts in person!

Anne Steele