Author Susan Gayle talks about her first novel, The Caves of San Pietro, and how stories from WWII can teach us lessons today

Join Kelli and Anne for their 184th NEW episode!

First Kelli and Anne catch you up on what they have been up to these last couple of weeks including seeing Sandra Bernhard live at City Winery NYC, starting the keto diet again, deciding when to do their Fall clothing change out, football season beginning and their loyalty to LSU and The Green Bay Packers, Kelli and her anxiety about going to the dentist and finally the new books they are reading including The Wine Girl by Victoria James and The Audacity Of A Kiss by Leslie Cohen.

Their special guest today is author Susan Gayle. She has written her first novel, The Caves Of San Pietro. The book is a personal and beautifully written WWII story that dives deeply into the world of war, family, and the humanity that occurs during challenging times. Susan talks about the inspiration for this story, how she found the source materials when going through family heirlooms and what she hopes people will take away from looking back at the past. She talks about her process in writing the book and her plans to begin another novel. For information about where to meet the Author or to purchase the book go to or on Amazon.

Anne Steele