5 time Emmy Award winning producer & director Tom Vitale, talks about his new book In The Weeds: Around the World and Behind The Scenes with Anthony Bourdain

Join Kelli and Anne for their 197th NEW episode and the first on season 5!!

First they wish everyone a happy new year! Next they catch everyone up on the Christmas celebrations and how good it was to be with family again. They also review a few movies they have recently seen including West Side Story, American Underdog and The House of Gucci. Finally Anne talks about her upcoming concert at City Vineyard in NYC on Jan 29th and all of the incredible protocols they have in place including vaccination and booster required, proof of a recent negative covid test plus masking indoors at all times unless actively eating or drinking. For details go to www.annesteele.com

Their special guest today is Tom Vitale. He is a 5 time Emmy Award winning producer and director that worked on 4 Anthony Bourdain shows including A Cook’s Tour, No Reservations, The Layover and CNN’s Parts Unknown. He has now added author to his impressive bio with his new book, In The Weeds, Around the World and Behind The Scenes with Anthony Bourdain. Tom talks about what it was like to tell the story of his own life through the making of the TV shows. He began working in TV at 22 right out of college and then spent the next 16 years working side by side with Anthony Bourdain, traveling across the world and shooting in the most incredible places. He talks about how the job was all encompassing and life consuming and how it felt when it was suddenly gone after Tony’s death. Anne & Kelli truly loved this book and recommend that everyone either buy the book or listen to the audio book. It is a deeply personal and beautiful story about friendship, hard work and loss. Check it out on amazon or at www.IntheWeedsBook.com

Anne Steele