Anne & Kelli chat St Pattys Day, Women’s History Month & answer listener questions

Join Anne & Kelli for their 241st NEW episode of #ilovemywife podcast.

They begin by talking about recording on St Patty’s Day and their plans for hitting up their local Irish Bar, The Olde Village Inn.

Next, they fill you in on their last 2 weeks at home that included checking out more local restaurants while also looking for a new music venue for Anne to do a benefit concert. They also saw Idina Menzel in Redwood on Broadway, had brunch at Ellen’s Stardust Diner in NYC with loyal listeners & friends, Laurie & Ben and hosted a couple of dinners at home. Plus hear about Anne’s concert at City Vineyard and how she is feeling inspired to write more original music again.

Also hear about holiday décor, getting new NY State licenses and using the AAA DMV hack, working on taxes, going to see the Maplewood New Jersey High School Musical and another handyman debacle but this time it involves changing out dimmer switches.

In honor or Women’s History Month, and suggested by a loyal listener Raegan, both Kelli and Anne choose one woman to feature that they admire. Kelli talks about Ann Richards and Anne features Jane Fonda.

After the break the talk about new TV shows they are binging and answer a few questions from listeners. If you would like them to answer your questions or focus on a specific topic, feel free to write them through social media and ask!

Finally, they talk about what comes next. Anne talks about her new tour, This One’s for the Girls, that launches at Joe’s Pub in NYC on May 30th! Find all of Anne’s tour dates and info at 

If you want to join them on a gig trip, write to Kelli at For more info on Kelli’s trips go to

As always you can stream on the DNR Studios app or you can listen anywhere you get your podcasts for free! Follow them on socials here:IG: @ilovemywifepodcast @theannesteele @kcarpenter123 @kelligreggtravel FB: ilovemywife  theRealAnneSteele  KelliGreggTravel 

Anne Steele